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Wayne Johnson
3 min read
Discovering the Unknown Unknowns: A Guide for Software Sales Reps
In the world of software sales, identifying client needs is critical to success. But what happens when clients don’t know what they...
Michael Heiser
3 min read
Criteria Clarity
MEDDIC for Presales - Decision Criteria Aside from the Champion, Decision Criteria resonate most with us presellers. The Decision...
Wayne Johnson
3 min read
Motivate to Act
Recently a family member engaged me over the merits of the sales function in today’s ever-increasing SaaS and AI automated world. I took...
Derek Wilson
3 min read
I Thought That's What You Wanted!
Years back, I was invited to support a deal that had just completed a six-month proof of concept. The technical presales consultant and...
Wayne Johnson
2 min read
A Product Manager's Best Friend
MEDDIC is one of the best qualification frameworks for Sales, but did you know that MEDDIC can also be a Product Managers' best friend? ...
Wayne Johnson
3 min read
Navigating Procurement
When dealing with the procurement department within the customer's organization, sales representatives may encounter specific challenges...
Wayne Johnson
2 min read
Intentions Matter
Today we will take a step back from MEDDIC and talk about discovery; after all, to uncover MEDDIC, you must become an expert at...
Wayne Johnson
2 min read
YOU are the EXPERT!
This week I would like to bring up the topic of purchasing software. If you are reading MEDDIC Mondays, you are most likely a seller. ...
Michael Heiser
2 min read
Understanding the Players
Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to review last week’s article, “Are you sure you know the Decision Process?” and concluded that you should...
Wayne Johnson
3 min read
Why should you double down on MEDDIC in 2023?
MEDDIC is a sales qualification methodology and is one of the most common strategies used in B2B software sales. It helps the sales...
Wayne Johnson
2 min read
Not all Decision Criteria are Created Equally.
A great first place to start regarding the Decision Criteria is the definition: The Decision Criteria is the standard by which each of...
Wayne Johnson
4 min read
What is MEDDIC?
Let's begin to define MEDDIC by what it is NOT vs what it is. MEDDIC is NOT a sales process, a sales methodology, or a cure for world...
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